Cavalier Rescue of Florida loves the holidays!
Beautiful festive plants play a prominent role in holiday decor. If you are planning to bring holiday foliage into your home this season, you will need to understand which plants are safe or not. In some cases, only mild indigestion and discomfort will result; in other cases, the toxicity can lead to more severe health problems, and even fatalities.

The beauty of the flowering Amaryllis is only matched by its toxicity, which cause salivation, gastrointestinal abnormalities, lethargy and tremors. The bulb of the plant is reputed to be even more dangerous than the flowers and stalk. Amaryllis should be kept clear from our Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and maybe out of the house, if you have cats, too.
Thriving both inside and outside in the South Florida climate, poinsettia’s brightly colored leaves contain a sap that is irritating to the tissues of the mouth and esophagus. If the leaves are ingested, they will often cause nausea and vomiting. It is best to keep poinsettias out of reach of Cavies.
Holly and Mistletoe
Holly and mistletoe are also popular holiday plants. These plants, along with their berries, have a greater toxicity level than the poinsettia. Mistletoe contains multiple substances that are toxic to both dogs and cats. Keep kissing your Blenheim, Ruby, Tri-color and Black and Tan pups- who needs mistletoe for that?
Christmas Cactus
Fortunately, the Christmas Cactus plant is not toxic to dogs in either its parts or flowers. However, fibrous plant material can cause irritation to the stomach and intestine, leading to vomiting or diarrhea. Curious Cavies, may be injured by the spines, so these plants should still be kept out of pets’ reach.
O, Christmas Tree!
There are other dangers to consider with the tree that go beyond lights and ornaments.
If your pup chews on the branches, the oils produced by fir trees can be irritating to a pet's mouth and stomach, causing excessive vomiting or drooling. The tree needles may cause gastrointestinal irritation, obstruction and punctures.
Additionally, the water used to nourish Christmas trees can be noxious causing your pup to become extremely sick with only a few laps of water. Keep the water covered and blocked off to prevent access to mischievous temptations.
Keep the holidays safe, fun and festive! Be very careful about where you place your plants and if your pup does ingest any part of these holiday plants, call your veterinarian or poison control immediately to find out what you should do.
The phone number for the ASPCA Poison Control is 1-888-426-4435, 24 hours a day.
Love, the Cavies! Xo
I read the bios on all of them, including the fortunate adopted dogs & puppies, and would love to have them all but will be happy to adopt one! I had a wonderful cocker spaniel for 17 years and lost my heart when he crossed the rainbow bridge. He nursed my 13-year-old son through the losses of both his father and precious grandfather. Now, I'm hoping for a Cavalier. Judy Featherstone I'll fill out an application.