If you know us, you know we consider ourselves a small breed-specific rescue. Maybe even a tad (proudly) on the snobby side. I mean they are the best dogs on the planet! And nearly all of time, we are dedicated to rescuing purebred Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.
Yet, occasionally, we will find ourselves in front of Cavalier mixed-breed pups. We are still dog lovers with a soft spot, especially for a dog in need. So, once in a while you’ll see a Cav mix on our pages.
We recently had a couple cases and just introduced them. First, at the end of March we had Reid come in. This fellow is a Cavalier mixed with, well, we don’t know, but hey, it looks good on him. He’s got those ears that suggest a little Papillon maybe? In fact, the only way we’d ever really know is to do a DNA test. So far CRF has never paid for a DNA test as, while it might be really interesting, if it doesn’t directly contribute to their health . . . well, we are quite conservative in spending your donations.

Reid came to us from a shelter, and we often partner with shelters because we can provide more extensive vetting and care and get some doggies out of shelter situations and into a loving foster home. We chose to take him in, even though we already had almost 30 dogs in rescue. He’s a 10-year-old cutie pie though and gets along with everyone and doesn’t demand too much, and now this week he became adoptable.
Then, again just three days ago we made another rare exception. Three Cavalier mixes in pretty rough shape appeared as an immediate and dramatic in-need situation. Yes, we caved.

These three boys are as fresh in rescue as they come as of this writing. Some say these curly locked cuties are Cavapoos, but we’ve got several expert witnesses that think differently.
No matter, we’ll vet them as we do all dogs that we decide to take in and their lives will be better.
And these boys are on the tiny side to be certain, they’re eight to 12 pounds, so if you like them smaller in your lap, here’s your boy(s)!
So, while some of us are stubbornly devoted to our purebred Cavaliers, a few offer the argument that mixing the Cavalier gene pool is a good thing by possibly reducing the occurrence of the maladies that so often affect our Cavs. Let the quarrels ensue as the cases are made.
Anyway, while rare, you’ll see an occasional Cavalier mix show up.
Maybe the bottom line is . . . anything even closely Cavalier is a better pup.

Regardless, these mixed Cavies need all the special care and treatment we give all our rescue pups. Maybe you’ll be moved, we hope, to make a donation to help us support our Cavaliers, pure or not as they happen, and we’ll thank you! xo
They are all deserving of love!!!❤️❤️❤️
Thank you all for your dedication to providing a better life for these precious animals!
I adopted Emma, a cavi mix, from you about 11 years ago, and she’s the very best girl ever. Sometimes the mix is beneficial in regards to their health issues. And being short haired, she requires little grooming.